Where's Our Sense of Justice?

Floor Speech

Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, we pick up the Politico today, and the headline is: ``Republicans Ax Aid to the Poor.'' It goes on to explain that there's a $33 billion cut in food stamps in the Romney-Ryan Republican budget that passed the House so that the average family of four gets an 11 percent cut in their monthly benefits after September 1, and it requires that households exhaust most of their liquid assets before qualifying for help. This hits hardest among the long-term unemployed, who will be forced off the rolls until they've spent down their savings to less than $2,000, in many cases.

Then, we read we're going to do another tax cut this week. Majority Leader Cantor wants to cut taxes by another $46 billion. In fact, the majority of it goes to less than 3 percent of all taxpayers and less than 8 percent of business owners. It's available to highly paid professionals, longtime lobby firms, professional sports teams, and entertainers like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and the like. They all get another tax cut.

Where is our sense of justice? Where are our priorities? Where is our commonsense?
